Saturday, November 28, 2009

17/11/2009 1st Gundam Have Already Been Fixed !!!


Picture Of The Day

Gundam Seed Justice Model

As usual,
I haven't been updating for some time again,
I don't really have the feel on blogging though,
But once a while I still do have the feeling to blog


I've finally finished my 1st Gundam Toy !!
And I took 7 HOURS straight to actually fix the Gundam Justice Model,

It's really fun fixing it though,
My very first time fixing it,
Next I'll be posting up pictures and caption on it to save time =D


The arms fixed wrongly =.=

Upper Body

On the process with the Legs

Halfway Done

Body Parts Done

Finally Finish

Assembling it

I've finally finish with this model,
Next Model would be Freaking tough =.=

Next Model
Gundam Seed Force Impulse Model

This is tougher because it's "Master Grade" version,
Which consist of more detailed or otherwise, realistic parts,
I can't wait to do it next ^^
